
Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Here's my year-end top 5:

1. Laura Staron. Another solid year from a perenially excellent performer. She scores at will from the outside, she's a dominating defender and excellent passer, and her game IQ is second to none. The MVP of my league.

2. The Cubs' Run to Within 5 Outs of the World Series. The less said about this the better, because my lasting impression is one of pain and disillusionment, but the fact remains that the Cubs had their best season since I've been alive. Plus, I'm always forgetting how happy I was after they won Game 5 of the division series, or my amazement at Sosa's 800-foot home run in Game 2 of the NLCS. I can't wait for next year, honestly.

3. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Awesome, and how cool is Viggo Mortensen? I was haunted by his little 4-bar ditty towards the end of Return of the King. I was also blown away by the battle for Minas Tirith in the same movie. Definitely worth a view on IMAX.

4. Michael Jackson's Thriller. I already wrote about this. Didn't listen to it for that long, but it got the job done.

5. Vacations. In 2003, I crossed the Atlantic, the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains, and the Caribbean Sea. Not to brag, but I was much pleased with each journey. I am a lucky person.

Also receiving votes: Cooking, peach yogurt, Andrew WK, warm weather, friendship, the Pixies, hotel blankets

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