
Thursday, December 04, 2003

Rest easy. I have not died or been turned into a slug or other animal without opposable thumbs. I'm just sort of lazy, and bored, and a touch overweight. A common theme in my life (and the lives of many of my friends, if their blogs be true) has been blandness. Not much going on, good or bad. I am looking forward to the holidays and all the family gatherings, and I'm finally taking a few of my licensure exams this Saturday.

I've also started working out again, which means that I'm losing weight and blowing off steam regularly--both very important for me. I don't know why I allow myself to fall out of shape so often, though it may have something to do with the fact that it's easier for me to motivate myself to run when I'm fat. I find it easier to get through workouts when they're a struggle, moreso than when I'm just marking time on the treadmill until I'm done. It's a paradox.

"That depends."
"Depends on what?"
"On whether you like a paradox."

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