
Saturday, May 15, 2004

I can't even fathom how screwed up I would be right now, if not for The Cubs Embargo. It's really a sad, sad commentary on my inability to put a lot of things in perspective. But it helps me to enjoy the Cubs, and this is an absolute good. We pursue that which recedes from us, and the converse is also true.

I am sure it's been mentioned elsewhere, but when I read "Moneyball," I didn't picture (current Padres shortstop) Khalil Green as a white man. Despite the handicap of being caucasian, Green plays absurd defense and is putting together a fine rookie season. The Cubs got Bobby Brownlie in the same draft, so they're not sweating it yet. The way Cubs pitchers are going, though, they may need to bring somebody else up before the year is over. My writing of late has been reprehensibly bad.

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