
Monday, June 28, 2004

So now the Cardinals are the 10th best team IN THE WORLD IN ANY SPORT. Well, the Cubs officially have no chance. That's a joke: if the Cardinals win the Central this season, I will send Neil Miller a 5th of Jack Daniel's. He doesn't even read this website, either. Oh Christ, the Cardinals! I'm shaking with fear! Spare me.

Also spare me any talk that Terminator 3 was any kind of a good movie. I'm watching it now because it's entertaining for a Monday night at home...but I don't think that's quite what they were looking to accomplish with the film. In fact, I'm not sure exactly what they were going for with T3...it's like Harry Potter meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II meets the Terminator. If anybody agrees with me, they can consider themselves officially insane.

I love wiffleball!

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