Wednesday, August 18, 2004
NOT TO MENTION THE FACT that Alou has been doubled off from the outfield because he forgot how many outs there were AT LEAST 57 times this year. This guy runs the bases like a mentally handicapped 12-year old girl with 2 broken legs, falls into interminable slumps during which he couldn't hit with a tennis racket, gets himself tossed from games because he's too self-centered to realize you shouldn't do things like that during a pennant race, who pisses all over his hands, and who then whines about how the fans are mean to the team and how the broadcasters should focus on more positive aspects of his play! Further proof that Cubs fans are stupid: Moises hit a couple game-winning homers earlier this year, so now he gets a free pass for being a slumping, micturating, whining little bitch! He's possibly the Anti-Christ. He's certainly the Anti-Scott Rolen.