
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Today marked my second day of long-running in obscene and punishing heat. It has been more oven-like and sweltering than actual straight-up blistering here in Naperville lately, but the fact remains that the past 2 days have seen afternoon temps in the 90s and my sweaty, disgusting, overweight ass dragging itself across the Great Heron and Bluebird trails, variously, in an attempt to show my body that I really fucking mean business!! I'm going to lose the spare tire!!!

Today the afternoon was quite satisfying, as I left work in flipflops, made the aforementioned run, and cooked quite a lovely skirt steak with fried potatoes and roasted corn on the grill. The best part was that I ate it lounging on the floor of my deck, guzzling water from a pitcher and sipping cheap red wine from a cloudy glass. The primalness of this meal is nearly unmatched in my experience, notwithstanding the tasty (but barely-cooked) campfire steak of a long-ago Boyscouts trip. And I learned something important about steak, something paradoxical: steak does not want you to gorge yourself on it, despite being the most seemingly gorge-worthy and -inviting of all foods. No, steak wants you to eat it at your leisure, intermixing a bite of sweet and toasty roasted corn and another sip of $3 merlot. Only then does it reveal to you its fullest rewards. Today I took my leisure, and I was rewarded.

Let's take a moment to hail SGT William L Jagnow, currently deployed on Mars and fighting the bug invasion with the rest of the Mobile Infantry. Reliable reports have him in good health and spirits, although an encounter with "some sort of smart bug" has recently left him shaken and searching for the meaning of it all. Honestly Bill, join the club--and be sure to stay safe over there.

Hey Rick, your website sucks since you got married! No more excuses, you poopeater!

I leave you tonight with some advice: it pays to be aware of your own stupidity. An innate sense of how and why you usually screw up is invaluable, or so my recent experiences have shown me. Then again, dispensing stupid advice may be a major weakness for me!! The lesson as always: the joke is on all of us.

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