
Friday, August 05, 2005

So several weeks without comment pretty much assures you, my faithful reader, A BRAND NEW TOP 5 LIST FOR THE MOST RECENT PERIOD!!! I can see you shuddering with anticipation, so without further gilding the lilly:

1. Chipotle steak burrito. Oh my God. I've been having these for several months, but they never fail to fully satisfy. It's a meal in a tortilla, complete with rice, beans, meat, cheese, and salsa. I prefer to take a bite or two of mine, then unwrap it and eat it like a meaty salad. When finished, I roll up the tortilla, now sticky with Mexican goodness, and eat that too. Rick and I have twice lunched this week on my balcony (so romantic!), and looking out over, uh, I-88, and feeling the cool breeze has made me think on more than one occasion, "this is the life." And so it is.

2. the adventures of young Harry Potter. I started the series about 5 weeks ago, and completed the most recent installment this past Wednesday. It's quite compelling--I read these almost compulsively, staying up until 2am to finish the Goblet of Fire and trawling the Internet for discussions on occlumency. I had bad dreams the night after Harry foolishly cast an unknown spell on the normally contemptible Draco Malfoy, causing the latter severe lacerations and bloodloss and calling into question all I knew of Harry's judgment and character. Rushing off to work the next day, I wondered what author JK Rowling could possibly do to turn the situation around. I won't ruin it for you, but I was--against all my expectations--on cloud nine just 10 pages later. Good stuff.

3. Collateral. Good movie with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. Jamie Foxx is a damn fine actor, and I’m starting to think that sociopaths are the right kind of role for Mr. Cruise. It’s interesting to watch this one while trying to figure out exactly where Tom went insane, because it’s basically the last movie he made before he turned into a complete jerk and nutwad and started spewing nonsense during morning interviews about how he’s knowledgeable on psychology, etc etc. Give me a fucking break—you manage to pretend you’re other people while not LOOKING like you’re pretending to be them. That’s your only skill, Tom: it doesn’t make you a genius.

4. Mario Golf. It’s unfair to put it this far down on the list, but we all make concessions from time to time. In my case, and Rick’s, our play of this game inexplicably infuriates our significant others. Despite this, we can’t help ourselves—we need to beat Luigi and Boo on the Princess’ Castle Grounds course in a match game, or we’re going to go crazy! We’ve been so close, but more play is evidently required to master the challenge. Not that we mind.

5. Spoon, “Stay Don’t Go.” I was listening to the new Spoon album Gimme Fiction last month, and I picked up the copy of their previous record, Kill the Moonlight, that Rob had given me to give it another chance. At first listen, perhaps 4 months ago, I really did not care for the spare instrumentation and abstruse lyrics, but then I was just exiting a 2-year+ phase of enjoying only aggressive rock music and my tastes have since changed.

This song is dead sexy, and wouldn’t be out of place in a set of dance music on a drunken evening sometime soon. Anybody? Anybody?

Matt, I am alive. I will write to you soon.

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